New year, new me... or something like that

Sunday, 14 January 2018

I've never been big on New Year's resolutions. Not on any resolutions at all, actually. My diets usually last until the next meal and my workout schedule shouldn't even be allowed to be called a workout schedule. I have the self discipline of a two year old when it comes to all these things and I don't even try anymore. And yet, this new year is all about new beginnings for me. New home, new life, new me?

Well, as much as I don't believe in keeping New Year's resolutions, I still decided to make some for the first time this year. I mean, if not now, then when? 😉

New year's resolutions

1. Books instead of Netflix

...especially before going to bed. I don't know about you, but I don't sleep very well after binge watching a show for a couple of hours, and I've read a ton of articles saying that you shouldn't look at a screen before trying to sleep anyway. So I've decided to force myself to read before bed instead - and try not to read through the night because that's what I end up doing way to often (anyone else? 😇). I've actually ordered a ton of new books lately and I'm planning a post on my favourite easy-to-read books very soon!

New year's resolutions

2. Remember to water my plants

I've been known for killing plants (like, even those that never die) and I've never had one single real plant until I moved in with Matt. Now, we had a couple of them in Paris and he was pretty good at watering them, but we kinda went crazy when moving into our knew house and basically created a forest. (My mom already bet on how many of them would still be alive by the end of winter...)
So, I'm gonna try. Like, really try. Maybe I'll have to set myself an alarm or something 😅.

New year's resolutions

3. Do something about my shopping addiction

Retail therapy is a real thing. There's nothing better after a stressful day then shopping for pretty clothes, am I right? (Please tell me I'm not the only one who's capable of going shopping every week.)
Now, I bought a ton of stuff when I lived in Paris, but after moving, I realised that I am happy to leave more than half of my clothes in boxes for the moment. That can't be right, can it? It's the typical I-have-34543-dresses-but-nothing-to-wear situation. I just have tons of similar pieces and the only reason I buy new ones is because they're, well, new. Maybe it'll be easier if I only have 3 dresses? I'm not quite ready to do a real capsule wardrobe but I'm definitely going to try and limit the amount of pieces in my closet and put the rest in the basement. This way, whenever I feel like getting something new, I can just walk downstairs and "shop" my own closet. This should work, right? 😉

New year's resolutions

4. Start a hobby

Let's be clear: I'm not talking about a useful hobby like cooking (I really don't like cooking), and I don't even mean a consistent hobby that I will get good at over time. I just want to take advantage of everything being so much closer than in Paris and try activities that I haven't had the chance to try before. Like, tennis (I already know I'll suck at it), or shooting. Maybe I'll even drag Matt to a dancing class (although he probably won't do it). This will also help with meeting new people, since we don't really know anyone in our new town!

New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions
New year's resolutions

So, what are your resolutions for the year to come? Do you have any at all? I'd really love to know!

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