I've lived alone a couple of times in my life. When I studied in Paris and actually had an apartment to myself, I was mostly eating pasta with goat cheese. Like, every other day. I did try to be healthy and cook vegetables as well, but I have to admit that it never really tasted right (goat cheese helped).
Then I moved to Oxford where my lovely flatmates usually invited me to eat with them. And for the past 3 and a half years, I have been living with Matt who (thankfully) is a pretty good cook. Hence I find myself in a dilemma: whenever he is out of town, I see myself forced to actually try and make myself something to eat...
And so, while searching for an easy recipe online, I got inspired to do write this post: 7 signs that you are really bad at cooking. And here we go:
1. Cornflakes and muesli always seem like a good option to you...
...because they're easy and probably yummier than anything you could make yourself.
2. You cannot live without mashed potatoes, fries, chicken nuggets or fish fingers...
...because even though this is basically kids' food, it is the safest option for you as well, since you basically can't make mistakes while making these.
3. You are very proud of your scrambled eggs...
...because it's the only "real" food you're actually able to cook.
4. Every recipe you try turns out somewhat weird...
...no matter how hard you try to get it right.
5. Whenever you're hungry, you go look into the refrigerator to try and figure out what you could make...
...and end up deciding that you're not actually that hungry.
6. Whenever you have the option to order food, you take it...
...even if that means spending more money that you would on a home cooked meal.
7. Instead of cooking, you randomly start writing a blog post about it...
...wait, no, that's just me.
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