The main reason I HAD to go to Canada was my roommate in university: she was Canadian and made it seem like the most beautiful country in the world. Who wouldn’t want to visit a place where everyone is super nice, that has moose and cider and Caesars and national parks and loads of nature and lakes and where tons of people drive a pick-up truck? (Have I mentioned that I just love pick-up trucks?)
We rented a car and planned on doing a road trip from Toronto all the way to Quebec City. Little did we know… When you’re from Europe, you need a couple of hours to go from one country to another. We sure knew that Canada was way larger, but we didn’t expect the distances to be quite as big! So we didn’t actually make it to Quebec City, but that was okay.
We started out in Toronto where we accidentally ran into the international film festival (we even saw George Clooney and Sandra Bullock!). Everyone there is so incredibly nice: I have never had so many people ask me if I needed help or if I wanted them to take a photo of me with whatever monument I was standing in front of (although I didn’t, most of the time I just stopped to get wifi). And probably the most important thing: we discovered Tim Hortons, and we still miss it every single day. (Maple donuts. Chrispy chicken sandwich. Plain black coffee with milk. I want all of these, now.)
While staying in Toronto, we drove down to the Niagara Falls which are really impressive (I highly recommend). I also got to see said roommate who made we want to visit Canada in the first place! Unfortunately, it was raining the whole entire day, and not only on the boat in front of the waterfalls, so we spent a lot of time in the Casino drinking cocktails and chatting.
Fortunately, that was the only cold day of our trip!
Our obsession with Tim Horton’s continued all the way to Ottawa, and was followed by a new found love for Poutine and Beavertails.
While in Ottawa, we decided to take a day trip to Algonquin national park and go hiking (we would have spent more time there but it was a last minute decision, and we had already booked our hotel in Montreal for the next day). We didn’t see any moose (so sad about that) or bear (thankfully), but we did meet some lovely chipmunks on the way.
Our last stop was Montreal, where we spent one day before taking our plane back home.
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